
Beach Boys 1967 Sunshine Tomorrow / 明日豔陽1967年珍藏錄音 (2CD / 2CD)





*首度收錄當年The Beach Boys從未發行過的傳奇演唱會【Lei'd in Hawaii】現場錄音


美國音樂史上最偉大、最長青、最傳奇的樂團,當屬橫跨了搖滾、流行、衝放搖滾、迷幻、靈魂音樂等眾多樂風的The Beach Boys,他們不僅僅是樂界的瑰寶,更是人類文化史上極為重要的一頁。


在1961年出道,由靈魂人物Brian Wilson領軍的The Beach Boys,奠定了美國以至全世界日後對於搖滾音樂的基礎,並且創下許多先例、開了眾多先河;生涯共發行超過30張以上專輯的他們,在1967年時,曾經發行過一張令人難以解讀的作品【Wild Honey】,其中結合Soul、R&B、Pop Rock、Lo-Fi等等的特異樂風,造成樂評界褒貶不一的聲浪;然而The Beach Boys在1967年時,為了這張【Wild Honey】可說是費盡了苦心,嘗試過異常多的各式元素,並且為了呈現出最完美的作品,拋棄掉許多當時錄好的音檔,只求創作出來的專輯是毫無瑕疵的。有鑑於【Wild Honey】在樂迷心中的神祕地位,相隔了半個世紀、50年後的今天,透過唱片公司、經紀人與樂團三方的商議之後,他們決定將1967年當時未釋出的所有錄音一次總集,加上諸多現場版的曲目,發行為此張雙CD的【Beach Boys 1967 Sunshine Tomorrow】。


【Beach Boys 1967 Sunshine Tomorrow】嚴格來說是一張The Beach Boys的合輯,因為除了1967年【Wild Honey】全專輯的Stereo(雙聲道)與Mono(單聲道)混音版本之外,更把當年曾經在錄音室裡錄下來但未選用的版本收錄於其中;而1967年到1970年之間的現場歌曲演出版本、專輯【Smiley Smile】錄音時未選用的歌曲版本,以及傳說中、但卻一直沒有發行的現場專輯【Lei'd in Hawaii】之錄音,也一併收錄於【Beach Boys 1967 Sunshine Tomorrow】之中。【Beach Boys 1967 Sunshine Tomorrow】是橫跨半個世紀後的搖滾夢幻逸品,此刻你錯過了,要再等50年!



Disc 1 Wild HoneyAlbum:

01. Wild Honey

02. Aren't You Glad

03. I Was Made To Love Her

04. Country Air

05. A Thing Or Two

06. Darlin

07. I'd Love Just Once To See You 

08. Here Comes The Night

09. Let The Wind Blow

10. How She Boogalooed It

11. Mama Says * (Original Mono Mix)

Wild Honey Sessions:September - November 1967 (Previously Unreleased):

12. Lonely Days (Alternate Version)

13. Cool Cool Water (Alternate Early Version)

14. Time To Get Alone (Alternate Early Version) 

15. Can't Wait Too Long (Alternate Early Version)

16. I'd Love Just Once To See You (Alternate Version)

17. I Was Made To Love Her (Vocal Insert Session)

18. I Was Made To Love Her (Long Version)

19. Hide Go Seek

20. Honey Get Home

21. Wild Honey (Session Highlights)

22. Aren't You Glad (Session Highlights)

23. A Thing Or Two (Track And Backing Vocals)

24. Darlin’ (Session Highlights)

25. Let The Wind Blow (Session Highlights)

Wild Honey Live: 1967 - 1970 (Previously Unreleased):

26. Wild Honey (Live) - recorded in Detroit, November 17, 1967

27. Country Air (Live) - recorded in Detroit, November 17, 1967

28. Darlin’ (Live) - recorded in Pittsburgh, November 22, 1967

29. How She Boogalooed It (Live) - recorded in Detroit, November 17, 1967

30. Aren’t You Glad (Live) - recorded in 1970, location unknown

31. Mama Says (Session Highlights) (Previously unreleased)


Disc 2 Smiley Smile Sessions: 

June - July 1967 (Previously Unreleased):

01. Heroes And Villains (Single Version Backing Track)

02. Vegetables (Long Version)

03. Fall Breaks And Back To Winter (Alternate Mix)

04. Wind Chimes (Alternate Tag Section)

05. Wonderful (Backing Track)

06. With Me Tonight (Alternate Version With Session Intro)

07. Little Pad (Backing Track)

08. All Day All Night (Whistle In) (Alternate Version 1)

09. All Day All Night (Whistle In) (Alternate Version 2)

10. Untitled (Redwood)

Lei'd In Hawaii “Live” Album:  September 1967 (Previously Unreleased):

11. Fred Vail Intro

12. The Letter

13. You're So Good To Me

14. Help Me, Rhonda 15. California Girls

16. Surfer Girl

17. Sloop John B

18. With A Little Help From My Friends (Recorded at Brian Wilson’s house, September 23, 1967)

19. Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring (Recorded during rehearsal, August 26, 1967, Honolulu, Hawaii)

20. God Only Knows

21. Good Vibrations

22. Game Of Love

23. The Letter (Alternate Take)

24. With A Little Help From My Friends (Stereo Mix)

Live In Hawaii:August 1967 (Previously Unreleased):

25. Hawthorne Boulevard

26. Surfin'

27. Gettin’ Hungry

28. Hawaii (Rehearsal Take)

29. Heroes And Villains (Rehearsal)

Thanksgiving Tour 1967:  Live In Washington, D.C. & Boston (Previously Unreleased):

30.California Girls (Live) - recorded in Washington, DC, November 19, 1967 31.Graduation Day (Live) - recorded in Washington, DC, November 19, 1967

32.I Get Around (Live) - recorded in Boston, November 23, 1967 Additional 1967

Studio Recordings (Previously Unreleased):

33.Surf’s Up (1967 Version)

34.Surfer Girl (1967 A Capella Mix)(Previously unreleased)